Welcome to

Diamond heart

Organic farm, meditation & integration center in Diamante valley, Costa Rica


Diamond heart is a newly established center and farm where we are focusing and practicing dharma and meditation, a living integration. Diamond heart is located in the pristine mountains of Costa Rica, in the heart of the diamante valley. We are focused here on creating sustainable and peaceful community, a safe haven for beings to be able to come and focus upon their spiritual development, and enjoy the splendors of this beautiful life and all of its abundance.


The vision and intention of diamond heart is at the very basic level, to create a safe and grounded space to come together to practice, integrate , and ultimately realize Yoga, which is divine union with the source of all life and love. The main intention is to create a divine energy field of beings committed to integrating this realization, and having this frequency of divine love be our foundation, and guiding force to traverse through the next times to come on this planet.

Diamond heart is committed to be a space of deep healing, integration, and purification. There is a deep intention to hold the space for all beings to be able to work and move through blockages/ habit patterns/ thought forms that may be limiting one from being able to access, and sustain a higher level of coherence and loving presence.

We intend and will strive to be a living example and a bridge for all those who are seeking for a true way forward, as creating conscious communities of the highest, is the way forward, and now is the time that we have come to fulfill our divine destiny with the highest.

We wish to see a world and communities, full of life, love, joy, and contentment, full of happy, healthy, thriving humans, playing and living life to the absolute fullest. full of arts, music, authentic relating, deep connection to all plants and animals, and to the beauty that exists all around us.

Retreat programs & event

These are the current offerings of retreat programs and events that we are offering to the community and anyone who feels resonate and drawn to join for a detox and meditation retreat with us.

More info & programs to come,

We are working on our immersion programs for individuals or small group. We will be postíng more details here again soon. Get in touch if you are interested in perhaps joining one of our programs or silent retreat or doing a personal detox, silent retreat that is more curated for your being.

As we are heading into the rainy season very soon, the space between July to November would be opened for individuals who have a deep desire to do a solo retreat or immersion.

Our tiny cabins are available to be rented in a short or longer period of time by those who feel in resonance with what diamond heart is offering and its value.


Get in touch for more info or if you have any questions about the retreats, offerings, events or if you would like to visit us for a day

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Las tumbas, Diamante valley, Costa Rica

+506 87191018


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