Welcome to

Diamond heart

Organic farm, meditation & integration center in Diamante valley, Costa Rica

About us

Diamond heart is a newly established center ​and organic farm where we are focusing on ​practicing dharma, meditation and a living ​integration. Diamond heart is located in the ​pristine mountains of Costa Rica, in the heart ​of the diamante valley. We are focused here ​on creating sustainable and peaceful ​community, a safe haven for beings to be ​able to come and focus upon their spiritual ​development, and enjoy the splendors of this ​beautiful life and all of its abundance.


The vision and intention of diamond heart is at the very basic ​level, to create a safe and grounded space to come together ​to practice, integrate , and ultimately realize Yoga, which is ​divine union with the source of all life and love. The main ​intention is to create a divine energy field of beings committed ​to integrating this realization, and having this frequency of ​divine love be our foundation, and guiding force to traverse ​through the next times to come on this planet. Diamond heart ​is committed to be a space of deep healing, integration, and ​purification. There is a deep intention to hold the space for all ​beings to be able to work and move through blockages/ habit ​patterns/ thought forms that may be limiting one from being ​able to access, and sustain a higher level of coherence and ​loving presence. We intend and will strive to be a living ​example and a bridge for all those who are seeking for a true ​way forward, as creating conscious communities of the ​highest, is the way forward, and now is the time that we have ​come to fulfill our divine destiny with the highest. We wish to ​see a world and communities, full of life, love, joy, and ​contentment, full of happy, healthy, thriving humans, playing ​and living life to the absolute fullest. full of arts, music, authentic ​relating, deep connection to all plants and animals, and to the ​beauty that exists all around us.

Farm Project:

Regenerative ​cultivation

The farm:

The farm itself is about 10.5 hectares along side with 2 ​beautiful rivers that borders the neighbour farms. We ​are in a peaceful and quiet location in the Diamante ​Valley. We are aiming to be self sufficient and where ​we can live on and with the land peacefully. We have ​so far establised about 4 hectares of food forests. The ​trees that we have cultivated and planted are mostly ​exotic fruit trees. In the food forest system we are ​utilising the syntropic forestry method to support our ​trees and maintaining the forest by chop and drop ​method. We have come so far, yet there are still quite ​few projects that we would like to develop such as a ​greenhouse to cultivate vegetables, herbs and few ​other fruits.

At Diamond heart we are aiming to be self sufficient ​where we are nourished by the mother land and the ​abundance of fruits.

Self sufficiency:

We are working towards self sufficiency. At the current ​moment we are connected to sources of water and ​our electricity is coming from our solar panels which ​can provide a lot of electricity to many during the dry ​season and aswell as low rainy season We are working ​and listening to the mother earth while doing the ​plantings and living on the land. It is a continous ​learning at the beginning stages.

Regenerative farming:

We see this practice as a way forward to living in ​harmony with the earth and our environment. Growing ​what is best in the climate is what we have been ​focusing on. We are practicing a regenerative farming ​method to help to regenerate the soil that has been for ​many decade pastures on the land. We are not only ​focusing on establishing our relationship with just ​ourself but also the land herself

Working with the ​principles of being in ​harmony with the Earth ​and ourselves

A place for biodyversity and to live in harmony with nat​ure


A place for healing & growth:

Our vision with the space is to be able to ​offer detoxification of body/mind/soul, h​ealing and a place where we can cultivate a ​meditative mind. A space for each souls ​to come and do the healing of each individu​als. ´We are fully plantbased and offer s​pace to experience raw food diet, anoth​er way to heal the body/mind. Our intenti​on is to share our knowledge with each o​ther and grow​ ​as a collective.

This can be a place​ for those who are interested in deep heal​ing and growth and for for those that a​lready have or are practicing some sort of s​piritual practice. We are consciously creati​ng a sattvic space to cultivate sattvic and​ ​m​e​ditative mind.

The larger ​community

We are a part of a larger community of the Diamante Valley ​and aswell as a part of the larger community in the Southern ​zone of Costa Rica, where the stretches of communities goes ​all the way from the area of Chirripo mountain to the beach ​coast area

We are connected to the larger community, community of ​friends who are working on their visions and projects to ​support the larger vision that supports grassroot movement, ​new ideas/thinking and way of living. Our aim is to be ​connected in this one big web of net that we are continously ​building together

Cultivating ​spiritual growth

Energy Field & dharma:

We are envisioning a space where it supports each ​one to grow as we have a clear and cohesive ​energy field. Each one is committed to our personal ​growth while living amongst others, creating an ​impact with the commitment to living in line with ​truth or dharma. We make an effort to dive deep ​into non violent communication & authentic relating ​where we can create a space for authenticity that is ​coherence and harmonious. We understand that ​trauma is universal and therefore we want to create ​a space for each one to find themselves, to grow ​and we create a space where each one can be ​listened to.

Spiritual growth & meditation:

We honor each other's own space and path to ​explore the truth. Everyday we create a space for the ​community members to come and gather in silence ​each morning and evening, to fine tune ourselves ​and create a stronger field of coherency. We ​encourage each other to become better versions of ​ourselves by practicing kindness, honesty, ​authenticity and truth. We benefit each other by ​learning from each other and by listening to each ​other without judgment, assumption, projections or ​impose any other ideas on to each other.

Be a part of our ​dharma ​community project

We are aiming to build an intentional community ​where our main focus is harmony and to live by the ​principles of the dharma.

We are open to receive new members, volunteers ​that potentially would like to become members.

We are looking to build meditation halls, plant more ​trees and expand the vision much more

Who we are seeking or looking for to fit in?

Those who are interested can come for a short visit ​as guest or volunteer for a period of time. The place ​is suitable for those who are open hearted and ​would like to connect with the land and looking into ​deepening their spiritual growth.

Private River ​access

Tiny cabins

Event & retreat ​programs

More info to come

We are working on our immersion programs for ​individuals or small group. We will be postíng more ​details here again soon. Get in touch if you are ​interested in perhaps joining one of our programs or ​silent retreat or doing a personal detox, silent retreat ​that is more curated for your being.

As we are heading into the rainy season very soon, ​the space between July to November would be ​opened for individuals who have a deep desire to do ​a solo retreat or immersion.

Our tiny cabins are available to be rented in a short ​or longer period of time by those who feel in ​resonance with what diamond heart is offering and ​its value. It is ideal for those who are looking to take ​sometime away and be immersed with nature and ​quietness

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

Get in touch

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©2024 Diamond Heart Costa Rica, Perez Zeledon, Costa rica - All rights reserved